Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath
Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath

Women's Relaxed Fit T-Shirt - The Oath


Regular price $25.99


The Oath of Enlistment is more than just words. It is a sacred vow of allegiance and blood, which cannot be broken. It is a defining moment in a soldier̥s life when a decision is made that cannot be undone. You have made a commitment to your country, and the collateral is your life. It is a vow that unites among those enlisted, and separates you from the civilian world. You have made the ultimate choice, to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, and to you our nation owes the greatest debt of gratitude imaginable.